Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Lost in the search of "I",I feel coerced to draw a conclusion,
blackening the environs,they want to kill my shadows,
censuring me, they want to strangle me in gallows.
Indolence is targeted to devour the spirit,
care taking is shown to reckon me in a filthy pit.
Mendacious fables are given by crafting the allegory,
laggard is labeled to me, who is not even dilatory.
stage is set to prove me a sage, satire or hedonist,
Flail me with bathetic whips, conceding me of antagonist.
But, the light within is enough to rip apart the blacken walls,
The scruples inside are dousing the outside wicked calls.
All whys will be answered instantaneously,
As i won't sweat more after bleeding so profusely.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Coursing in my veins is disguise,
I am confused of being dead or alive.
Stakes are high, clamouring for justice,
but, what about the pain which still persist.
Is this the end or the start,
will it allow or sink the shaft.
Hope on horizon is murmuring in my ears,
blending truth with my utmost fear.
Its time to reclaim the lost glory,
Letting go of the singing canary.